Sunday 5 July 2020

ELA and Esu, their link to the Christian faith

Two forces determine the global state of affairs.ELA, as I've said before, is the root of reality, the origin of life. ELA is the origin of all the scientific constants like gravity, centripetal and centrifugal forces that keep the planets moving orderly around the orbits. As I've found in the supernatural, ELA is the force in the supernatural that's protecting this physical world against the direct invasion and domination of black forces like witchcraft and sorcerers who in population and might are much enough to overpower spiritually powerless human. They only operate in the evil world, they can never authoritatively capture the physical world as some expect an antichrist to be. ELA is the origin of conscience and the orderliness of life. ELA is the truth, the shield of the throne of Olodumare without whom no one can see God (this fact was even discovered by none Christian Yoruba ancestors which was also confirmed in the Bible in Jn. 14:6.)

Esu (Satan) on the other hand is the root of all evil. This is where Yoruba traditional believers get it all wrong. Esu is the fountain of all evil and the coordinator of all disasters. It's either that the traditional believers wanted to shield his real identity or they don't understand his gimmicks. They tend to blame Samuel Ajayi Crowther that translated English Bible to Yoruba condemning his age that a 12 year old boy was too young to understand. The question is, was it at the age of 12 that he translated Bible? The answer is no. He was captured and sold by the Fulani slave traders at the age of 12 in 1821 and started translating Bible in 1843 (at the age of 34.).
The summary here is that, ELA (Jesus Christ) is the root of justice and the power that makes justice to prevail always over all evil. Esu (Satan) is the root of injustice. Hence, the Bible says, the light shines in darkness, and darkness comprehends it no (Jn. 1:1-5).
Esu (Satan), the god of evil is a betrayal of ARE (equity) and the founder of lies. So, if the believers and worshipers of Esu are denying the real nature of Esu, they are only (consciously or subconsciously) confirming the manifestation of the lying trait of Esu in them. Esu is no one else but Satan, Lucifer, the devil that was cast out of the kingdom of Olodumare along with his cohorts that are now establishing diverse cults and religions among other evils.
So, these are the two forces that make up lives: ELA (Jesus Christ, the God of light) and Esu (Satan, the god of darkness).
In Athens, Paul discovered they worshipped "unknown god" (Acts 17:23). Luckily for them, Paul helped to straighten their mind and introduced the unknown god to them just as so many Yorubas wholeheartedly believe in ELA, but treat Christianity as foreign religion. ELA, known as Deity by the Yorubas is the same unknown god in Athens and this is Jesus of Nazareth. Africanize Jesus, His rule is simple and same all over. It is as simple as conscience (Eri okan) and faith (igbagbo) (1 Thes. 1:5). Any additives might be the gimmicks of father in the Lord to indoctrinate their members for the sentimental (attendant and offering) purpose.
I'm not preaching o, I'm just having fun with corona lockdown, I'm a churchless Christian. And if I have to preach, I may ask you to rather be realistic than to be churchy. Most Christian leaders 'underlay' the so called anointing. Go to church if you sabi, O Y O. For me, for now, I'm out. รง fini.

Sunday 8 May 2016


An art of fundamental responsibility

Parenting is an art of leadership which inquires guiding (leading) and guarding (protection) the dependants through a distinct path of life to a definite destination.

Parenting requires leadership in diverse areas of life. It is a fundamental responsibility that demand some extremely high level of professionalism. To be perfect as a parent, one need to go far beyond the horizon of natural perception of age maturity and supremacy. A great deal of learning and research need to be inculcated to improve in the art of parenting. The better the understanding the easier it will be.

To succeed as a parent, one needs to diversify in the following areas:

  • Moral parenting
  • Financial parenting
  • Educational parenting
  • Spiritual parenting and
  • Supernatural parenting 

The most important of all these art of parenting is the supernatural parenting. The fundamental effect of bearing supernatural responsibility is to maintain mono-deltism[F1]  of a lineage. The Lord said concerning Abraham in Genesis chapter 18 verse 19 that,

“Because I know, you will teach your children the way of God”.

The supernatural parenting is the most conflicting part of responsibility. This is currently predominant in virtually all Christ-free families which is their secret. Supernatural parenting is largely the secret affair of human kingdom which is mostly triggered subconsciously in the life of the affected children. Sometimes, supernatural parenting is not led by the parents directly depending on their approach to a particular faith, but it may as well be the secret strategy of one of the parents to secretly implant his/her secret deity into the life of the next generation without their conscious voluntary acceptance of the particular God/god.

Supernatural parenting is strictly meant for deity/Deity transplant, but it also extend to the advance parental guarding methodology. This branch of parenting is a dynamic domestic conflict generator where mono-Deitism is not consciously practice but where mono-Deity exist (a very scarce parental state in Christendom) domestic orderliness manifest in all facet of their lives. Surveying from the two nuclear families where I am a bona fide member, I can conveniently classify and differentiate between spiritual parenting and supernatural parenting.

 The difficulties in supernatural parenting are as follows:

  • Lack of natural understanding of this specific art of parenting.
  • The gifts requires for this branch of parenting in the positive phase of live (genuine Christian world) are not naturally available.
  • This is the toughest battle field in the art of parenting where (if the parents are rooted in Christ) satan would strive to hinder the positive supernatural development of the next generation to sustain his sovereignty.  (Matt 10:35)
  • This is where the limitation of norm of the society lies. Norms modifies overt behaviour, but supernatural parent inject the parental Deity/deity into the lives of the children mostly subconsciously in a mono-deity or bi-deity family.
  • In a situation where the god of the parent is negative, the destiny of the dependents become exposed to maximum hazard unknowingly as their supernatural system will be configured to maintain continuity. This is the tactical invitation strategy system has successfully developed in many homes. This is where children found a God/god in their lives and they are subconsciously carried along the path they found in their lives.
  • This is the junction where Christian leaders ought to come first is the supernatural parent but unfortunately, from over three decades of diverse cult-based  experience, Christian organization is almost completely under the tutelage of worldwide union of occult force – a disaster well known to virtually all the Christian leaders irrespective of denomination.

This is the deadliest phase of life where the art of Christianity is seen secretly restricted to mere physical phase of human life. At this point, churchism (art of physical congregational worship in a pre-organised centre’s often called church) becomes the culture and the proof of Godliness. But the cumulative impact of supernatural parenting determines the overall status of the types and quality of people that makes up a society.

In supernatural parenting, fundamental principle of a child is subconsciously launched and locked on the psycho-spiritual channel that authoritatively determines the entire live pattern of the rules. Today, in the Federal Republic of Nigeria, for instance, the rate of growth of churches, pastor and preachers might be the highest not only in the whole world but also in the history of mankind. But the extremely high rate of growth of corruption in such a society is not unconnected to the status of supernatural parenting. The impact of the old faith in other gods has configures the supernatural system and pre-programme the generational transplanting of old deity, through domestic initiation into the lives of new generations. Hence, mere veil of religion and tradition seal the physical system, but the supernatural system in concealed in the secret chamber of family tradition. This made Christianity in most case seen as a mere tool of personality shield rather than fundamental faith.

I discover a sensitive faculty in man. I sometimes call it faculty of faith or rather sense of believe. This is the most sensitive faculty in human. It addresses the subject of beliefs. Any information that get into the fragile faculty automatically becomes a belief. Once this is done, to erase the data is naturally difficult or rather impossible. I believe that is why Romans 6:16 says “a man is a slave of his believes”.

This sensitive faculty is the target of every Deity/deity, but Christ uses principle of logical analysis of supernatural reality called gospel to instruct the ‘gatekeeper’ (the spirit of the mind) to open the door voluntarily (Rev. 3:20)      

Conversely, Satan uses blindfold, deception, torture etc. to force his way in. Once the ‘gatekeeper’ is captured, to rule the soul is as easy as auto loading the memory with evil information. This is one of the process of infant initiation. Satan has many agents around the globe used for this ‘catch them young’ calamity. 

In Islamic world, this faculty, I believe, is what they use the early Quranic School of their children to upload with the words of their faith. Hence, before a typical Islamic child grows to the age of conscious reasoning, (before age of 10) his/her faith has already been pre-dictated. The overall impact led to the growth of 7 Islamic nations. The fact is that, the more supernatural a set of information is, the more the information drives the spirit to its supernatural base.

As followers of Jesus, the overall positive nature of the information preserved in the spirit for this phase of life makes Christianity universally justified and acceptable faith.

For a parent to be able to bear positive supernatural responsibility, he/she must have been successfully parented in this positive manner or he/she may need to accept Jesus. No matter how churchy or religious a parent is, if he/she is not in Christ, he/she cannot lead into Christ. But the easiest way to lead in Christ is through parenting. The best a child can get from a non-Christ like churchy parent is moral upbringing which is physically justified but insensitive in the supernatural. That is why God sent Peter to Cornelius to transform his attitude based Christianity to a perfect inspiration in his supernatural system (Acts 10).

Christian world is lagging in supernatural parenting both in the nuclear family of individual members of the Christian body and in the church as the body of Christ. Most Christian leaders hide the secret of their supernatural system in the dynamics of the spiritually unjustified mysterious doctrines. This paves way for the universal body of the kingdom of darkness to secretly engage and dominate the supernatural faculty of the Christian sect. This is a secret tunnel of unending conflict in the universal body of Christian union. Hence, “St. James Ministry” cannot associate with “St. Peter’s” Ministry.

Therefore supernatural parenting into two independent category each of them imposes precision leadership naturally irresistible nor questionable but automatically. The most common category and perhaps, the only practically existing type of supernatural parenting. This where parenting. This where parenting is cult based supernatural. This is where parent(s) that are into cult-witchcraft, and Rosicrucian, sorcery etc. operate their dynamic soul system to bypass the psychophysical process of parenting to impose their leadership and directly dictate destiny of their rulee.

The second category has not been discovered in any of Christian home. Rather, spiritual parenting comes in as the alternative. The limitation of spiritual parenting is that it is not a precision leadership method. The rulee has access to his/her logical reasoning system and at any point, if not properly groomed, may turn against the leadership of the parent(s).

Supernatural parenting is needed in Christian homes. The only way to achieve this is for both parents to be genuinely established in Christ. Perfect result exists when marriage is a mono-Deity marriage. On the other hand, supernatural parenting in mono-deity, bi-deity or poly-deity marriage is a secret negative parenting that shatters integrity out of the parented dependants despite the fact that such parents may exist in Christian-looking families.


You have any question or comment, send it across. Thanks.


 [F1]Mono-Deity/deity marriage refers to a marriage where the couple jointly serve only one God/god.
Deity refers to the Lord Jesus Christ whereas deity refers to satan.
bi-deity is a matrimonial state where one serve the Lord and the other serves satan. example is Rachael with the idol of Laban in Jacob's house.
in Poly-deity, though there only the God of light and the god of darkness, but there are people who worship many idols. such family is referred to as Poly-deity home.